Ferrets Rays of Hope

The Fabulous Five
The Four Musketeers
The Fabulous Five
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More pictures and bio's of the "nice" ones
(these are our "keepers" not for rehoming)

At this time we are currently maxed out with ill ferrets and currently UNABLE to accept anymore for hospice care. 


Megan is our newest addition. She came from a very loving home and was well cared for. She has taken a liking to Stu and they quickly formed a bond making it impossible to separate them. ( Until Megan, Stu pretty much remained aloof from the other ferrets. Now, where you see Stu, you see Megan and visa versa) She is proving to be very laid back and fits in well with the "nice" bunch.


Stu loves to lay around and eat. He is slowly coming out of his shell and playing with his human family. To date, Stew is the largest ferret that we have rescued and the most laid back ferret as well.

Vixen is the smallest of the bunch. We refer to her as the baby even though she is full grown. Despite her tiny size, she has a huge heart and is always up for playtime. She is one to climb up any cage, end table, shelf, or whatever there is without hesitation. Between you and me, I think she has taught the other ferrets some bad habits. Even though she is our most adventurous ferret, she also seems to realize that she is unique in her size.  We have an aunt who is a midget and whenever she comes over, Vixen is the first to greet her and will not leave her side.  It makes us wonder if she doesn't know that they are both somehow different from the average.


Bianca is one of our more active ferrets. She is full of energy and shows no fear in exerting it. She can often be found running or jumping and rarely is she caught relaxing during playtime. She is also one of our fastest ferrets.


Pandora has had the best attitude adjustment yet. When she first came to us she constantly bit and did not like to be loved on. She was shuffled around and neglected so much that human contact was viewed as a threat. She is now settling in and proving to be one of the most lovable ferrets. She has finally accepted us as a family and not as a threat. Pandora has taken up with our little Vixen and really drew out the playful side of our little girl.


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